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“Aim for the Moon and if you miss, hit a Star"
“You can’t beat a person who is determined to win.”
Dr. Marco Clark is a well-respected educator, forward-thinking innovator, exemplary author, polarizing public speaker, and veteran in the world of urban education. He currently serves as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Richard Wright Schools in Washington, D.C.
Famously denoted as "America's Toughest Principal," Dr. Clark is also recognized for his techniques as a "School Reformer and Turnaround Specialist." In addition to his work with Richard Wright Schools, he serves as Chairman of the community recognized “Man the Block,” organization, a movement focused on providing safe passage for students to and from school.
Many political figures have acknowledged Dr. Clark’s ability to offer a fresh mix of traditional and contemporary approaches to motivating youth and mobilizing all communities. Historical icon, the Late Congressman John Lewis recognized Dr. Clark for his unique ability to motivate students, transform communities, and for being a 21st-century Change Agent. Former District of Columbia Council Member Yvette Alexander Ward 7, insists that “Dr. Clark’s leadership is vital to the community”.
Through the unwavering support of his parents, Dr. Clark was able to make it through high school and go on to Clark Atlanta University, where he met a professor, Dr. Johnny A. Wilson, who recognized his potential, believed in him, and helped him shape his educational path and platform for years to come. After receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a minor in Secondary Education, Dr. Clark went on to earn a Master’s degree in Special Education from Coppin State University, a Master’s degree in Education Administration from Goucher College, and a Doctorate in Higher Education from Morgan State University.
By the age of 34, almost 25 years later after being mislabeled a functional illiterate, Dr. Clark emerged as a notable educator and scholar. Strongly believe that illiteracy is the civil rights issue of today and the catastrophe of tomorrow if it is left uncorrected.
Dr. Marco Clark is a proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and a continued advocate for educational and social change. His motto is “You can’t beat a person who is determined to win.” His voice will continue to fight for the less fortunate, sub-par communities and students needing the most help.